Isis (our doggie) and I go on nice, long walks every day. When we go up into the desert, we pack a backpack with water, doggie bowl, and biscuits. When we walk in our neighborhood, though, all I need is a little pouch for cell phone, ipod, and keys. I realized the other day that I didn't have such a pouch. It's always such a delight when you get ignore your ten other WIPs and instantaneously cast on for a little, easily finishable project.

I started it at the Stitch & Bitch last Thursday, where I talked so much and was so indecisive about which stitch pattern to use that I hardly made progress. But it was quick to finish the next day. Basically, I knit a long, thin rectangle and then picked up three stitches on the side. I knit a strip of garter stitch perpendicular to the main rectangle, picking up other side stitches as I went. This forced the rectangle to turn into 3-D, with a bottom of 3 stitches' width. I knit a garter stitch strap, and then when it was long enough, I attached it to the other side of the rectangle in the same manner.
I don't know if my off-the-cuff description makes sense. Sometime I may make another pouch with some improvements and post the pattern here.

It's soft and stretchy, knit in SWTC's 'Craft,' which is an organic cotton and milk protein (!!) mix. And I knit another
kerchief to match. I brought it along rock climbing yesterday, and it was perfect for keeping my hair out of my eyes.

Whee! Impulse knits are good for the soul!