And Mountain Man and I have been doing much of that! Last weekend, we went out to Devil's Canyon for the first time in ages, and it was glorious to see the snowy mountains in the distance ...

Yesterday we went out to climb in the McDowell Mountains, on the northeastern edge of the Phoenix valley. On the drive there, I finished up a new cap, sewing on two felted leaves as embellishments. It coordinated perfectly with the granite!

It's knit in a gray-green yarn from Manos del Urugay that's been in stash for nearly a decade. I finally figured out what to make with it! The hat design is called "Wild Rose," and it's a simple, top-down cloche pattern that I recently released on Ravelry (and which I'll post more fully about soon). The original pattern has a big, lush rose sewed onto the side, but here I added two felted leaves.

We knew it was going to be a full moon last night, so we didn't start our hike out until nearly sunset. It was a beautiful time to be quietly walking through the desert. A red-tailed hawk watched us from his cliff. A gray fox went slinking away from us through the boulders. Coyotes howled and owls hooted as night fell. And the moonrise? Glorious. Heart-stopping.