Me: (inspired, out of the blue) Why not start a sweater?
Me: A sweater?! That's not something you just start. You have to plan for that.
Me: No you don't! Loosen up. Be spontaneous!
Me: (moaning a bit) But I have sooo many projects that I should be finishing....
Me: You have enough real-life responsibilites oppressing you. Knitting should be a space of unencumbered freedom!
I had to admit that I was right. Ten minutes later I was swatching with a pine green worsted wool that I'd picked up years ago from a local farmer's market. I'm making a Forecast sweater, switching it up with a size 8 needle and a horseshoe cable. It's incredibly satisfying. Goes perfectly with snowy cabins and steaming mugs of lapsang souchong tea. I worked steadily on it this weekend an have almost finished the yoke.
As it's all squashed on a 32" circular, it's rather hard to photograph in an informative way. The needle is too small to fit around my shoulders. The fabric collapses into a blob when it's on its own. But I managed to find someone with smaller shoulders to show you: