It's the most peaceful thing in the world to float through in the air in a hot air balloon.
Cast on 14 stitches. Divide stitches among 3 double-pointed needles and join in a circle.Round 1: Knit
Round 2: [K1, Kfb] 7 times (21 stitches)
Round 3: Knit
Round 4: [K2, Kfb] 7 times (28 stitches)
Round 5: Knit
Round 6: [K3, Kfb] 7 times (35 stitches)
Rounds 7, 9, 11: K3, [B4, K6] 4 times, B4, K3
Rounds 8, 10, 12: Knit
Round 13: K3, [B3, K6] 4 times, B3, K3
Round 14: K2, [Sl1, K2tog, PSSO, K4] 4 times, Sl1, K2tog, PSSO, K2 (25 stitches)
Round 15: K2, [B3, K4] 4 times, B3, K2
Round 16: Knit
Round 17: K2, [B3, K4] 4 times, B3, K2
Round 18: K1, [Sl1, K2tog, PSSO, K2] 4 times, Sl1, K2tog, PSSO, K1 (15 stitches)
Round 19: K1, [B3, K2] 4 times, B3, K1
Round 20: [Sl1, K2tog, PSSO] 5 times (5 stitches)
Break yarn, leaving a 6" tail. Thread yarn tail on a tapestry needle and draw through remaining stitches. Sew in ends.
Felt the sea urchin by machine (toss into a hot or warm wash) or by hand (soak in hot water with a dash of soap and gently rub with your hands). When it's felted to your desired dimensions, rinse and let dry.
Stuff the sea urchin. To close the opening at the bottom, thread about 8" of yarn onto your tapestry needle and take small running stitches around the opening. Pull tightly to close the hole. Tie the ends of the yarn in a knot and hide them inside the sea urchin.