Thursday, April 09, 2009

the beast cycle

Yes, I made a mouse toy for my cat out of the fur of my dog.

What more is there to explain?


Alisa said...

unreal. you are a hoot! love it!!!

lexa said...

LOVE it! Recycling, eh? LOL!

rebelhousewife said...

That is great. I want to make my dog a dog sweater out of other dogs. He doesn't have much fur, so some of his doggy friends have offered up some of theirs.

petra said...

Hilarious! A friend of mine and I were joking about doing this a few weeks ago. I sent her the link. Love it!

mel said...

Purrrr-fect (ugh, sorry, couldn't help myself!) I love it!! I bet your cat loves beating on that toy :)

Rachel said...

Absolutely fabulous! And I'd say Mel is right...I bet your kitten has some pent-up frustrations with the pup...perfect way to allow release! :)

Anonymous said...

HA! Awesome! Now I wonder what I could make with my mom's rough collie's winter coat. No wait, my mare's winter coat ;)
No that's a lotta fiber!

Francesca said...

brilliant! that made me laugh out loud.

gayle said...

But what does the dog think?

Tinchen {Katrin} said...

I also have cats :) and your story made me laugh!!! It`s so cool!

Have a wonderful day,
greetings from Germany,


Natalie Rush said...

That is so awesome!!

birthright midwife said...


Anonymous said...

That is sooo funny, Hanna!