Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Amazing Lace Begins

A portrait of a woman and her lace companion: hopeful, playful, campy

Woman: I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to join the Amazing Lace. My shawl and I have already been on this journey for a few months, so we begin as a strong team. We have brave, heady optimism for a strong finish.

Lace: I have to be honest, I'm nervous about this one. She's already detailed here how she has had difficulties finishing lace in the past. She doesn't come to this adventure with a strong record.

Woman: One of the beauties of starting this with a few months' experience is that we know each others' quirks and strengths. And we share great respect and fondness.

Lace: She's a knitting dilettante, that's her quirk. She claims to love me and totes me along everywhere as her companion. But she claims that she always needs a side project to keep her interest in me.

Woman: I'd love to share the story of how we came together. I was looking for a shawl back in March to knit for my wedding this summer. I had numerous false starts with other lace patterns. The stitch pattern is from Eunny's print o'the wave shawl, but this is a much simpler construction: six repeats of the main pattern, knit knit knit from start to finish, no edgings, no grafting. Very fluid, clean lines, and marvelously textured. And isn't she beautiful?

Lace: It's true. I'm beautiful. Seen here lounging on the marjoram plant.

Woman: We have our challenges. But we've come so far, and I'm bound and determined to make it to the finish! Here's the lace's official "start" photograph:


  1. Already the lace is looking so beautiful! That will be marvellous for a wedding!!

  2. My pattern also involves the print o' the wave pattern, and I'm finding it difficult so far (just swatching). Yours looks gorgeous! Love the funny team photos too :)

  3. What a lovely wedding shawl! Hope you two team mates can truly commit to each other, as Lace sounds a bit dubious...You're so far along already, you have that in your corner (((hugs)))

  4. Anonymous6:45 PM

    I wish I had knit a shawl for my wedding. I can think of no more precious keepsake -- more meaningful than the dress itself as the years go by. Good luck finishing -- it will be so worth it!
