Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Camping Adventure with Lace

I had a bit of a whirlwind trip to the west coast last weekend - first a wedding in Phoenix, then off to California for a few days camping in Los Padres National Forest, near Santa Barbara. Naturally, the lace knitting came with. Here she is, hanging out on a little Ponderosa Pine, enjoying the view from our campsite:

Lace had quite an adventure. Mountain Man thought it quite imprudent to bring such a delicate and light-colored project, when I have plenty others to choose from. She did come back smelling like campfire smoke, trailing bits of vegetative matter, and looking a wee bit dirtier thanks to my woodsy fingers. But I felt like I needed to make some lace progress, and there's nothing like a long plane ride and mellow camp days for steady knitting.

The woman in the campsite across from ours was also knitting. But she looked so concentrated and was knitting with such incredible speed that I didn't feel like disturbing her. I would love to be a speed demon like that - makes me think I need to learn continental.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:45 PM

    I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
