Saturday, February 09, 2013

sunset in my new stomping grounds

Life keeps moving on.  This is where I live now.  A land of hills and bay views and glorious Pacific sunsets. 

Over the past month and a half, I moved from Boston back home to Arizona and then onto California to start a post-doc.  It's been a whirlwind transition.  Good thing I have the beauty here to sustain me. 

Above shows the sunset one evening from Cesar Chavez Park, looking over the San Francisco Bay to the Golden Gate bridge.  I'd gone on a run, exploring my new neighborhood, and happened on the sunset.   Below is the sunset from another evening, when Mountain Man was visiting and took me up to Tilden Park for a walk. The soft glow of the sunset over the bay was breathtaking. 

And here's the citylights on our drive back down into Berkeley.  

Another upshot of this move is that it brings me close to a yarn store that for years, literally years, I've been wanting to visit. A Verb for Keeping Warm.  I've admired their natural dyeing and read their blog for ages.  What a treat to finally visit and have this be my local yarn store.

I picked up a remnant of yarn in rustic textures and earthy orange tones.  New little project to come soon ...


  1. Gorgeous sunsets and photos! How exciting to live near a yarn shop you've wanted to visit for so long. It looks like a great one. I see lots of pretty yarns...and fabric too! :-D I've never heard of them. I'm off to visit their blog.

  2. oh my what a transition, welcome to california! i've wanted to visit that store for so long, how wonderful for you!

  3. Busy woman! Your new "stomping grounds" look lovely - particularly A Verb for Keeping Warm!
    Please enjoy the new chapter in your life!

  4. Look at you jumping right into a post-doc. Congratulations by the way! Some amazing skies you are seeing down there...

  5. Love the photos of San Francisco. Just beautiful. I've started going to the place around the corner in Cambridge, "Gather Here." It's lovely. But just for sewing for me. Not a knitter yet.

    Miss you!
