Thursday, January 03, 2013

primary color

I'm back in Phoenix now.  After a dark, damp, and stressful fall, it's time to recharge on sunshine and vivid color -- all from the comfort of my backyard. 

blue sky

yellow grapefruit


red knitting

I can't tell you how much I needed this recharge.  That last semester in Cambridge was triumphant at the end -- I'm now Dr. Evergreenknits, thank you very much -- but it drained every last drop of energy out of me.  Happy to be home and resting up before the next big move. 


  1. Ahhh...color and sunshine! You can never go wrong with that. The perfect prescription! Congratulations on your giant accomplishment! That's awesome! So happy for you! Happy New Year!

  2. Congrats on your degree!

  3. Hello there! This is Leslie, one of Mary and Peter's niece in laws :) Married to zander, have one little boy and so forth.....Congratulations on becoming a Dr.!! You are incredibly skilled! I'm so impressed!

  4. Ah, this made my day! Congratulations on finishing up your doctorate!! I hope it feels to you like the big achievement that it is. So what's up next for your career?

  5. Congratulations! :)

  6. Congrats Dr. Evergreenknits!!! I took a week long climbing trip after my defense and it was glorious to NOT be thinking about the dissertation and just climbing.

  7. Congratulations and Well done!!
    Take some time for yourself!
    You have definitely earned it!

  8. tokeberry6:42 PM

    Congratulations! Wondered where you'd been.
