Monday, April 20, 2009

thinking pink

I've been wanting to knit something with my plant-dyed Ever Green Yarns. I kicked off the process by dyeing myself a special skein of the Organic Merino Fingering in prickly pear juice, which I'd extracted from wildcrafted prickly pear and frozen last autumn. After a week of soaking in the juice, the yarn emerged an incredibly saturated magenta.

And what to knit with a single 50g skein of yarn? A Storm Cloud Shawlette, of course!

Mostly to be worn tied around my neck as free-form cowl, but also can be pinned around the shoulders. This one doesn't have a full ruffle; instead, I only did half the increases on that last increase row, so that I could get in a little more length without the frill.

I knit this on my trip back to Cambridge last week (that's where I dyed those eggs) and I intended to photograph it there, too.

I have to say, though, that I think it's better off photographed in Arizona. The intense, downright riotous pink of the shawl is a perfect fit for the flowers that have been bursting into bloom: bougainvillea, oleander, roses.

The prickly-pear yarn fits right in! And take note: these pictures are straight out of the camera. We live in technicolor here.


  1. Look at the gorgeous colors!! Beautiful!

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

