Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Earth Day and a contest

I hope that wherever you are on this planet, you have time today for a moment of natural beauty: fresh air, oceans, mountains, gardens, forests, spring blossoms, green leaves, sky, stone

I think of this day as a time for connection and reflection, a day for thinking about possibilities rather than berating ourselves for not being green enough. As for the connection between Earth Day and my knitting ... I have two thoughts to share.

First, Earth Day marks the anniversary of my Green Knitter website, which I began a year ago exactly. If you haven't checked it out yet, today might be a good day for it! I just updated the yarn chart, with additional improvements on the way. I'd love to hear what you think about it.

Second, I wanted to share with you the next pattern that I'm working on. These pouches are knit in eco-friendly wool yarns and embroidered with symbols of peace and nature.

My idea was to have small bags to carry just the necessities -- and to represent our intentions -- as we go about our days. I use mine for my morning walks with Isis. The small pouch holds my ipod, phone and house keys. The larger pouch can fit a camera, too. They have a clever seamless construction, if I do say so myself.

I hope to have the pattern finished over the weekend. If you'd like to win a copy of the pattern before they go on sale, just leave me a comment!! I'll draw several winners on April 30. You can just say hello, or, if you're feeling the Earth Day spirit, I'd love to hear how you see the connection between knitting and greenness in your life ....


  1. Happy earth day! Love the bags. The connection between knitting & greenness? Not sure how to put it.When you appreciate the handmade, as a creator or buyer, it takes you closer to the origins of materials and you can't help but think of the planet's resources and how we balance our use of them. whew.Not bad for only half a cup of coffee so far!

  2. Cute bag - I really like the flower... Well, and the leaves too :) Very nice work...

  3. Love the pouches -- seamless construction?! Gotta love that!

    It's raining here today and is going to do so all day. We actually have a heavy rainfall warning. I was hoping that after work I could get outside to do some yardwork, at least get outside and enjoy the day. Tomorrow and through the weekend it's sunny and warm, so I'll make up for it then!

    Off to check out your other site. :)

  4. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Happy Earth Day, everyday!! currently, I am knitting your Storm Cloud shawlette and loving it. I am thrilled with the little "seamless" pouches--how cute are they. Thank you for being a great resource for all those that want to knit green!

  5. What beautiful bags that represent the beauty of the Earth.

  6. Oh yes, they are beautiful.

  7. Thanks for the yarn chart! I'd love to knit up a few of those cute little essential bags.
    Chrissy at knittodayAThotmailDOTcom

  8. I'd love the pattern!

  9. Those bags are great! i never can find one that fits just the essentials.

    I'm being green with my knitting, been knitting string bags for myself and family/friends as the supermarkets still try to get you to use plastic when you walk in i love seing the look on their faces when you pull out a couple of string bags instead lol

  10. Happy earth day! (always been special to me as i was born on the very first earth day! so, tis me birthday too!and i'm just as old as the celebration, lol) The new bag designs are absolutely lovely! I am always looking for new eco friendly yarns as i have been an environmental hippie forever! Took a few years for hubby to catch on, he's a work in progress. I got dirt for my birthday.. .seriously...compost for the garden, and i'm just fine with it! smile Happy day to you!

  11. Love the bags - I'm a happy little bag-maker, myself!
    And thanks so much for posting your fabulous pictures of flowers and greenery - we're just escaping Winter's grasp up here in northern Vermont. Our daffodils may not be as flashy as your tropicals, but all splashes of color are warmly appreciated up here!

  12. Happy Earth Day!! You're pouches are beautiful, Hanna!

    -Jessica (J-Dub)

  13. I love your bags. Would be perfect to bring a book or lunch to work. Would love to win a copy. Thanks so much. Debbie

  14. I think the greenest thing I do is to recycle old thrift store sweaters into new knitted objects. Of course, the primary reason is because I'm cheap, but it never hurts to be nice to the earth :)

  15. Beautiful bags, just the thing for a new mama to carry a few bits and pieces when out for a walk with babe in the sling.
    I feel being a green knitter connects me with generations past. Knitters like my grandmother who was a green knitter because when she started knitting acrylics hadn't been invented. Of course it also fits with my environmental principles as well.
    Happy Earth Day!

  16. Cute bags indeed. Fun to see the flowers bloom for sure. I am at the moment enjoying the trees as well - many are blossoming at the moment

  17. Yay Happy Earth Day!! I like to spend this time not only being extra extra earth conscious but also spending time with nature. My recommendations is go out and find some green. Being in London the closest I'm going to get is Hyde park but there's this one rough green area I want to explore :) I love your bags, I think it's time I was encouraged to carry less around with me! xxxx

  18. Beautifull!

    I want to :)



    Kisses from Brazil!

  19. Lovely!

    I think about knitting (and spinning and weaving) as a way to separate myself from corporate consumerism. I love that I can be so in touch with the process: purchasing fleece from sheep I've met, spinning, etc. all the way through to giving handmade gifts with a special sense of love and connection.

  20. I love those :) You are one of the most clever people I have had the joy of meeting. :)


  21. Happy (day after) Earth Day! I love your little bag design!! Please put me in the running :-)

  22. Another lovely design Hannah! I'm sad to say that while I'm very conscientious in all other areas of my life regarding 'tread softly', I have yet to take that step with yarn purchases. I think it's mostly due to lack of time to really research and figure out what the options are (and actually I'm not buying a lot of yarn right now, I bought a lot when I first started knitting several years ago with no thought toward being environment-friendly...so most of my stash is not green--and it's what I'm knitting from at the moment!). I'd forgotten about your Green website. Thanks for the reminder. I'll be looking at that closely to start the process of being better about yarn choices.

  23. Love the bags!

  24. Your bags are beautiful!

  25. Hello,
    This is my first visit to your blog. I came looking for your shawl pattern. What lovely projects and ideas you have. Thank you for sharing.

  26. I'd love the pattern

  27. happy belated earth day i love those they are very nice. did you have a good saturday? my husband and i did went to local beer fest lots of fresh air and good music and brews. vbarton24 at gmail dot com

  28. The bags are adorable and I was cheered to see that they are seamless (WOOHOO!).

    Would be thrilled to get the pattern and would add that to my project list asap.


  29. Another beautiful pattern!

    I've been thinking about knitting and nature/growth lately, too--maybe because I've been tending some seedlings and starting a garden in the earnest for the first time.

    I think maybe the connection (for me) is attention and peace--and the faith that small efforts (individual stitches, pruning leaves, careful watering) yield strong results.

    Happy earth day!

  30. Great bags and HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

    I love the green embroidery.

  31. The bags are super-cute. Happy anniversary of your Green Knitter site!
