Monday, November 18, 2013

hoarfrost & moonrise

Quick note here to say: the hat, it is finished!  I've been wearing it every day this week. The mornings have been foggy, the evenings have a damp chill. It's the perfect Berkeley-in-November hat.

The pattern is hoarfrost. The yarn, a rustic DK wool that I bought some years ago. Deep stash. Damned if I can remember what it is.

Later that evening was the full moon rise. I don't have a tripod here, so it's just hand-held snapshots. A blurry glow behind the fig tree branches. But still sensational!


  1. Turned out lovely! Thanks for drawing my attention to this pattern, I might knit it someday ...

  2. Izofblu24:54 PM

    Looks nice and warm. Like the pics also.
