Saturday, March 06, 2010


Late this afternoon, after a marvelously strenuous day of yard work, I sat down to deal with the edge of the sweater. I started off by running a long circular needle through one row of stitches ...

Next, I cut the yarn in the row above the needle, starting about an inch or two in from the edge so that it'd leave a tail. I unraveled it towards one edge ...

And then started the painstaking process of picking out the stitches all the way down the sweater. It was terribly time-consuming because of the twisted stitches, which have extra friction and don't pull out as smoothly. But it was easy work. And by the time the sun went down, I was left with a nice, clean row of stitches on my needle ...

It turned out to be a simple process. My heart skipped a beat when I made that 'snip,' but overall it was not so difficult. Now I'm ready to re-knit the bottom border!


  1. I guess we both can breathe a sigh of relief. Good job!

  2. That would have been a bit scary to snip that yarn. I'm glad it all worked out for you. You're a brave knitter! :-)

  3. Know wonder you are such a great knitter. The unravel act alone takes more than guts, It is hard to admit a mistake, harder to unravel it ...manytimes over

  4. Just discovered your blog. What an inspiration! Good luck with your projects...

  5. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy your blog so much that I nominated you for an award. You can visit my blog to pick it up. :-)

  6. Thanks for sharing the process because I never would have known that was possible. Now, whether I'd ever have the nerve to try it remains to be seen!
