Saturday, August 15, 2009

the silver hours

There are summer days when Vermont sparkles with sunshine and clear, bright colors. Sky blue. Grass green. Buttercup yellow.

But even those days begin with chilly, mist-shrouded mornings, and I love the silvery hours just as fiercely as the golden ones. I'd like to bottle up this grayness and take it back to the desert...

Green acorn, stone wall

Antique silver

Lichen on beech bark

Knitting needles, yarn, stone, moss

I've finished the shawl, by the way. Good thing, too, since I probably won't be able to move my arms for days after waterskiing this morning. Pictures to come soon!


  1. The colours are incredible!

  2. this is a visual vacation! I love the silver, rock and green theme. You finished the shawl! I knew you would.

    waterskiing is no longer in my vocabulary.
    Waterskiied is.

  3. love the pictures, would make great note cards! (or knit by tags). Lol, waterskiing. I have not gone waterskiing since skipping classes in early spring in NH during high school on squam lake. what fun! I saw a few leaves changing on friday when i took the long way home.....not yet!!
