Wednesday, July 01, 2009

lovely blue

After the debacle of my improvised smock top, it's good to watch something pretty roll off my needles.

This little beaut is Flower Trim Tank, knit up in Jo Sharp Desert Garden Aran Cotton. I modified the pattern to a smaller needle, larger gauge, and circular construction, which made for easier knitting but, unfortunately, trickier finishing and mistake-fixing.

It's basically a brioche stitch tube with a higher front. The smocking comes from stitching together the brioche ribs after knitting, which means you can very easily tailor it to your own proportions. My favorite part are the crocheted straps:

In other blue-hued news, I had a wonderful visit to Liesel Orend's Earth Arts dye garden and studio. She's lovely, friendly, and inspiringly talented. I brought home two skeins of indigo-dyed yarn: a wool single, to be made into a purse-sized Contemplation Pouch, and a merino/silk blend, for a lace kerchief.

She also sent me on my way with a handful of woad seeds from her garden. She has a veritable forest of these plants, dripping with lustrous purple-black seeds!

I'd love to get these to grow in my own modest garden, to make some of my own natural blue hues


  1. Alisa3:26 PM

    yes please, i'd like one of those :)

  2. I love the top picture! The composition is lovely and the colors are wonderful. The top is super cute too!

  3. Flower trimmed tank is so sharp! Lovely crochet straps. Your blue acquisitions are so pretty. They look about 4-5 sts per inch....

  4. pretty tank! i am making one similar but not with those pretty straps! Gorgeous yarn and interesting plants! I may have to go look for some of those seeds now and research! I was making pickled beets the other morning (garden is already harvesting ... yeah!)and i just could not dump the beet i did a gorgeous skein of yarn! I am thinking of usine lace yarn for the next batch it came out so gorgeous!

  5. Pretty pretty!
    I'll be watching your woad experiments with great interest. I'm wanting to try growing some, too.
