Monday, July 20, 2009

last days in Taos

My time in Taos is drawing to a close. Before I leave, though, I wanted to share a few of the more colorful experiences of the last few days. First up: a visit to Phi Beta Paca, a lovely alpaca farm on Taos's high sagebrush plains. I love, love, love alpacas, and this was a particularly spirited and friendly bunch.

Sociable little beasts

comical faces

Larky's fuzzy ears

On Sunday morning we helped out on a barn razing, which is to say that we took down a small barn (a chicken coop, actually) to move to another property. Manual labor can feel damn good sometimes. And my eyes were drawn to the contrasting textures of the day ...

Tin roof

Weathered planks and leather

And on Sunday afternoon, I finally made it out to the Taos Pueblo. The thunder clouds had moved in, and we were struck with a dust storm in the late afternoon, and it made for an eerie but very cool atmosphere.

Taos Pueblo

Adobe Window

Chili peppers after a dust storm

Taos is such a captivating place, and I wish I could stay longer. Maybe even forever ....


  1. Anonymous4:06 AM

    What a great bunch of photos! I was born in Tucson A.Z and my sister was born in Alamagordo, N.M~ there is something about the West that really stirs the soul without much trying.

  2. Love the pictures!! Especially Comical Faces -- they are just too cute! What a hairdo. :)

  3. Looks like a great place to visit! How fun that you got to play the the alpacas... they are lovely creatures!

  4. what a beautiful place. I want thunderstorms:-( there no weather but hot sunny weather now. waiting for winter. I wish I had two alpacas. Where I live now we are zoned for farm animals. I would love to have alpacas

  5. Hi Hannah,
    I loved your alpaca pix and was so happy you came to visit Phi Beta Paca again. Call me. I have a spinning question. Frana
    ps love your knitted pieces: artwork

  6. HI Morgaine24,
    If you are interested in some pet quality alpacas or breeding alpacas I would welcome your email to
    fiberly yours,
