Monday, May 04, 2009

lessons from a pheasant

This pheasant showed up in my backyard this morning. He strutted about, pecking in the grass, dashing for cover under the orange tree and oleanders, and finally hunkering down in dry pecan leaves.

I have no idea what a ring-necked pheasant is doing in Phoenix. I can only imagine that it's an inauspicious start to his week. Poor fellow.

I'm just coming out of a bad week myself, one of those weeks where everything I do comes out stupid. So, I didn't finish the pattern for those little zen pouches. But soon. Soon it'll be finished, and I can draw winners for the contest and pat myself on the back for the accomplishment.

Come to think of it, this pheasant seems curiously at ease in our backyard. He's good at strutting through difficult situations. Maybe I could take a lesson from him!


  1. Kind of an elegant looking guy, isn't he?

  2. What amazing pictures!

  3. Amazing colors, eh? How about a shawl using those back feathers, with accents from his head colors?

  4. great pictures! Hope the bad week falls far behind you!
