Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sangria Seasilk

I lost my steam for continuing the Bhutan travelogue, but I definitely still want to write about the Shetland Triangle I knit on the trip.

Mountain Man and I went up to the desert this evening to photograph it. We caught the last bit of light before the sun slipped down behind Piestawa Peak.

Here are the details: it's knit in Hand Maiden Seasilk in 'Sangria,' 1 skein. Size 6 needles. Pattern is the Shetland Triangle, with 10 repeats of the main pattern section. I can see why this pattern has been so popular: the construction is meditatively simple, and the stitch pattern has a lovely, organic flow.

It was a real pleasure to knit it in the lusciousness that is Seasilk. I can see myself knitting another of these in the near future, especially since this once is not destined for myself. I'm sending it off as a secret gift to someone (only to be revealed once it's received!).

Now, I had to include this last photograph because it was Mountain Man's favorite, and he was, after all, such a sweet man to indulge me by taking endless knitting photos. But I have to admit that I think he mostly liked it because it has rocks in it!

As for me, I think the ocotillos -- wild, wind-waving, intensely colored -- made for a better backdrop. They're so dramatic in this season, when they've dropped their leaves in the early heat but are still topped with a blaze of flowers.


  1. Gorgeous shawl, and gorgeous photos, too! :)

  2. What a beautiful piece of knitting, and I love that the colors are echoed in those beautiful flowers.

  3. I have to agree with Mountain Man on the favorite photo. I am a freak for rocks too. The shawl is lovely. I envy you lace knitters. I don't seem to have the patience for it.

  4. What a fabulous knit! But isn't it hard to let go of something so lovely?
    Those flowers are beautiful, too - love the colors.

  5. The colors are shown off so beautifully in the desert. Mountain man is a sport to help with the blog. We are lucky to have our supportive husbands.

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Love it! The yarn suits the pattern so well. That pattern may very well be my next shawl!

  7. gorgeous
    saw it live tonight in Hartford.
