Sunday, January 18, 2009

texture collecting

Mountain Man and I went for a ramble in the Western Mcdowells this weekend. I had a good time collecting textures in nature.

Dog nose

Dried grasses

Wizened, silvered wood


I worked on my Shalom cardigan for the drive; I could knit for the first hour heading northeast out of Phoenix, although I couldn't concentrate for the long drive in on the rutted dirt road. I did manage to finish the yoke on the drive up there, and I think it's looking good.

I know the photo's not that exciting, though. A dog nose is a hard act to follow


  1. I envy your climate! Shalom is looking good.

  2. That is a cute dog nose but the we all love KIP pictures!

  3. Great dog nose picture! The cardi is coming along nicely... love the color you selected!

  4. Looking forward to seeing your finished cardi! I'd like to make one of those for myself sometime. :)

  5. Love your dog nose image. It is a hard act to follow for sure! Your knitting is coming along! Love the neurality of the color

  6. Anonymous8:08 PM

    I LOVE textures! And dog noses!

  7. Ah, so true! It's hard to follow such a beautiful dog nose!
    Love your knitting, though...

  8. Anonymous1:43 PM

    yes cute dog, and I'm having another contest on my blog

  9. HEY! Thanks for porting my little contest to your other blog! Your dog has the cutest nose!

  10. Wow, beautiful photos!
