Sunday, January 04, 2009

Christmas knitting!

For the winter holidays this year, I knitted for three special women in my family. I felt especially proud that all three garments were my own designs.

For my mother, I knit a Storm Cloud Shawlette in rich, wintry purples. Doesn't she wear it magnificently?

The yarn is Mountain Colors Mountain Goat, colorway 'mountain twilight.' It's a mohair and wool blend with a gorgeous luster. I think the deep purples lend a glamorous touch to the gloominess of midwinter.

For my sister, I knit a Woodland Collar in Malabrigo Worsted, color 'hollyhock.' This may well be my favorite yarn for this pattern. It's lusciously soft and shows cables beautifully. The collar is a bit smaller in Malabrigo than in some of the sturdier yarns that I've used, but I think it nestles so sweetly around the neck.

I was particularly pleased with the button, which is an amazing mother-of-pearl with pink and purple understones. I made a special trip to Windsor Button for it when I was in Cambridge before Christmas. It's really the icing on the cake! And I was so happy to make my sister so happy.

And for my mother-in-law, I knit a pair of delicate gloves in Hand Maiden Casbah, color 'peacock.' This was the first pair of gloves I'd ever knit. And though they came out very well indeed, I think it will be the last pair I'll ever knit!!

Gloves turn out to be quite fiddly things to make if you're trying to get an exact fit. For example, I spent five hours knitting and re-knitting the couple of inches from the thumb to the base of the fingers to get the proportions right.

It's a good thing that the yarn, which came to me via One Planet Yarn and Fiber, was such a delight to knit. It's a super lux wool and cashmere blend, with a touch of nylon for durability. The colors are a work of art.

And in the end, I was very proud to give these to Mountain Man's mother! It was worth all the difficulty to make a pair of gloves that could bring her such a smile.


  1. All of your knits are beautiful. I especially like the gloves and the yarn you used to knit them!

  2. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Lovely knits! I recently fiddled with part fingers for convertible mitts. I understand your frustration. The yarn is lovely!
    Also, lovely models! The knits seem like perfect fits for each!

  3. While glancing through your photos (yes, I look at the pretty pictures first, and then I read the text), I thought you made gloves with bows at the end! :) Hee hee!
    They are gorgeous by the way!

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    beautiful gifts - much nicer than any of the things I made.... quite jealous now!

  5. I was hoping we'd see a post like this from you. Glad your recipients enjoyed their gifts so much--makes the knitting of them so much more worth it. Oh, and your mother is SO elegant. Wow. She needs to be your official shawlette model!

  6. Your mom does wear that magnificently. Great yarn color choice. Im loving purples lately. Your sisters shoulder warmer is lovely. But those gloves, deserve an award. I adore them. I know how much hard work goes into gloves. Hence I cheat and make fingerless. WOW you are such a great knitter!

  7. you've been busy!! everything looks so nice.

  8. Lovely knitted presents! So pretty.
    Thanks for advertising my contest on your contest page.
    I used to rock climb but a thrice dislocated shoulder put paid to that!
