Monday, December 01, 2008

Cave Creek & Chocolate Shawlette

To recover from Thanksgiving, Mountain Man and I went for an 8 mile hike along Cave Creek, which is about an hour and a half north of Phoenix. It's a beautiful and unusual spot because the creek -- which is hidden among the rugged, cactus-covered hills -- is an oasis of sycamore trees. Finally, a breath of real autumn, with bright foliage and the earthy aroma of wet leaves!

As it was a chilly, steely-skied, slightly rainy day, I was glad to have along my latest quick knit. It's yet another Storm Cloud, this time in Artesano Inca Cloud in 'milk chocolate.' It's a beautiful, super soft alpaca yarn with a soft drape that's perfect for this pattern.

You're probably getting tired of seeing these. But I'm definitely not tired of knitting them.

Or wearing them! If I were still in Vermont, I'd be switching my knitting attentions to warmer, denser garments. But here in Arizona, they're the perfect thing to stave off a slight chill.

With this one, I only did half the increases on Row 70. That way, I could extend it a little without getting that prissy ruffle. You can see on the bottom how it has just the hint of fullness. I think I'm going to do the rest this way too!


Elizabeth said...

Gorgeous! It suits you perfectly.

Sue said...

OK - I'm sold. I'm definitely going to be knitting one of these now.

The colours of the trees against the sky in your first pic are just stunning too.

petra said...

The hike looks beautiful! Who knew there was foliage in AZ? The shawlette looks lovely!

kathy b said...

Keep knitting them. Im not tired of seeing them. I love your latest modification. Gorgeous yarn and post colors.

Anonymous said...

I agree.. the foliage blew me away.
I adore this shawlette!! And in delicious.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Lovely pics as per usual :)

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

I love the shawlette:)Hugs Darcy