Tuesday, October 21, 2008

lucky ducky

Wait .. what's that? ...

It's a duck!

And another one! How precious ...

OMG! The dog!!

Doggie says: Mwa Ha Ha!!

Oh man, I crack myself up. If you didn't figure it out by now, I made my dog some felted duck toys. They have dog sqeakers inside and everything! I'll put up a post with a pattern later today or tomorrow ....


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM


    love it!

  2. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Awesome! If it were my dog I'd be listening to a dedicated scrunch-scrunch-scrunch as she chewed off his legs and then his head so she could pull out his squeaker and his stuffing, and poor ducky would have the life of a mayfly. But maybe I'll make one for the puppy my parents are getting after the New Year...

  3. Oh you did a great job! So cute.

    I'll post some of the leftover socks I've made this week. Thanks for reading irisheyes

  4. Oh my goodness, this is just fantastic.

  5. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Your pictures had me laughing out loud. I love your projects!

    It's crazy to me that we swapped places -- you in Arizona, me in the northeast. Where are you going to grad school?

  6. These are awesome! Great idea!

  7. Those are great! :)

  8. A very clever pattern! I have to knit at least one. It's so kind of your to share your patterns.
