Monday, September 29, 2008

Warm Colors, Feburary Baby Sweater

I tend to gravitate towards cool, forest colors like green and blue. But the universe seemed to be shouting at me with warm reds and oranges when we went up to Oak Creek Canyon: flowers, sunsets, lichens, even our climbing gear. My knitting fit right in!

I was working on a February baby sweater, knit for a friend of mine who is about to have a baby girl. The yarn is a naturally-dyed DK wool from Table Rock Llamas, picked up last fall at the Taos Wool Festival.

I followed the pattern reasonably closesly, although, as you know if you've knit it yourself, her pattern is vague enough that it requires a bit of creative interpretation. Here are a few of my minor changes: larger gauge and size, eyelets around the yoke ... hmm, I think that's all I can remember at the moment

I love this little pattern, and I think it was a sweet match for this sunset-colored yarn. I'd like to make one for myself for this winter!


  1. What beautiful color combinations! I would never have imagined rosey pink with orange and yellow. It's so warm and soft. I really like your addition of the eyelets, too. Lightens up the yoke.

  2. Great sweater. I love the eyelet yoke component! Vague patterns frighten me! You are a wonderful knitter. That baby will be a little dream wearing it.

  3. The sweater is gorgeous in those colors and will look so sweet on.
    As for Oak Creek Canyon....oooooo I'm so jealous. What a pretty place. We camped there years ago (14? 15?)
    You've just got to love it when knitting and life come together like that.
