Saturday, September 02, 2006

blues, in a good way

Back in Cambridge now. Leila (cat) seems a little blue about this turn of events. As for me, I'm a little annoyed with the painter outside my house who keeps whistling songs from Les Mis. But I'm taking solace in my yummy, richly painted Fleece Artist yarn. Since it cheers me up, I thought I might see if it could do the same for Leila.

I'm mostly done with a soft hat in the wool - just need to finish the rustic brown baby sweater to free up my other #7 circ for the top. I also started the mohair scarf in the "dainty chevron" pattern from Barbara Walker's Second Treasury on number 9s. But two inches was enough to see that I need a bigger needle and more open pattern. So much fun to play like this! I love, love every stitch with this Fleece Artist yarn.

Leila, on the other hand, seemed less impressed. I think she would have preferred to eat the yarn and chew on the needles. She consented to posing with the yarn, but always kept a few claws at the ready:

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