Sunday, July 09, 2006


My life theme of late has been “unfinished business.” Wedding planning = overwhelming and unfinished. Academic work = pathetically unfinished. My garden = half-planted and gobbled by Japanese beetles, so unfinished that I may have to resort to Miracle Grow to get it looking lush by next month. There are those that would cheerfully call these things “works in progress.” But I’ve always been a glass-is-half-empty kind of gal.

All of this is a long way of saying that NO, I haven’t finished the wedding shawl. It wasn’t for lack of inspiration. To the contrary, lace symbolism was everywhere: my henna-painted hands, stone carvings, the wedding garlands.

But it was far too hot and chaotic to knit! And anyways, there was plum too much going on to be bothered with lace knitting. I tried a bit in the car (evidence below), since we had 10+ hour drives to Dharamsala and back, but most of the time it was too bumpy and I just wanted to observe the amazing landscape and people-scape that we were passing by.

I’m persevering now that I’m back in Vermont. I probably only have another five or six inches of knitting to go, which I can probably finish within a few weeks. Wish me luck! It's the homestretch now.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:21 PM


    Go get 'em, tiger. . .
