Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Adventures in Swatchland

I spent last evening swatching for my wedding shawl. Ran out of steam before getting to the trellis lace pattern (that's what I was trying before). I'd swatched that over the weekend and wasn't wildly impressed, so I tried to explore alternatives. Yarn is Misti Baby Alpaca laceweight. Needles size 3 Inox circs.

"Feather and Fan" --- Unbeareably granny-like in this yarn (no offense to the grannies out there, but it's not quite the image I want to project on my wedding day). I could barely get through a mini-swatch

"Horseshoe Lace" --- Much more appealingly defined. But maybe not quite open enough for my purpose.

"Vine Lace" --- Chaotic. I've loved this pattern in heavier yarns, but it gets lost in this laceweight.

"Print o'the Wave" --- Yum! Crisp. Botanical. Definitely my favorite of the swatch.

And here's a quick shot of all four in a row, just for size perspective.


  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Maybe it's because of my past experiences in the equine world, but I'm a big fan of the Horseshoe Lace (good luck for your wedding!), especially to go with your dress. Plus it seems like it might not take you as many months as the Print o'the Wave, which is also eye-catching.

  2. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Hey there!

    I think I like the horseshoe one first, and then the print o' the wave. But, although I know you didn't make it, I like that trellis one from Vogue (the one pictured on the woman in white futher down on your blog page).

    I hope that helps a little bit....
