Sunday, February 26, 2006


My first finished object of the blog! I went to Chicago over the weekend, and I needed a sleek black cap to wear in the evening. I grabbed some yarn from the stash and knit up Odessa, sans beads. What a great pattern! Here's a photo from the back (might take me a while to get comfortable with showing photos of my face - is that silly?)

Pattern: Odessa by Grumperina
Yarn: Knitpicks Elegance, "coal", just over one ball
Modifications: no beading, started decreasing a bit early to compensate for the yarn's drape

The silk in the yarn makes for a slick and shiny fabric. But I think that for this pattern I might have preferred a yarn with more body and bounce.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Although I'm a big fan of Grumperina's version with the bead work and feminine color, the solid black turned out lovely. A nice casual cap but interesting texture - sure to get lots of wear. I'll add it to my todo list!
